Always make sure you’re protecting your smile against tooth hazards that can arise. If you’re not careful, numerous risks can slowly wear down your teeth and lead to severe dental damage. Always make sure to protect your teeth not only against microscopic damage but also against oral accidents or injuries that can arise.
It’s important if you are participating in any high-risk activities or contact sports to always wear the appropriate mouth guards. Not only are mouth guards designed to help prevent oral accidents or injuries from being worse, but they can also cushion the blow and keep your smile safe, so it can continue to function for many years down the road.
If you have a tongue piercing, it is important to remember that it poses a severe dental hazard. Mouth jewelry can lead to chipped or cracked teeth, and severe bleeding. Exercise caution when wearing a tongue piercing or any other form of mouth jewelry.
Be careful with products that are hard to bite into, including cough drops. Not only are cough drops often loaded with sugar, but they can cause cracked teeth if you bite into them incorrectly. Additional products that can easily chip or crack your teeth if you’re not careful include popcorn kernels, candy apples, and popcorn balls.
To learn more about tooth hazards, or to schedule an appointment with your dentist at Marze Dental, call Dr. Brawley Marze and our entire team at our dentist office in Sherman, Texas at 903-892-4531.